Monday, November 07, 2005

The Manly Trance

does your dj play watered down gurly trance?
do you wish your trance could kick your ass?
if you said yes to those questions then look no further as the almighty Christopher Lawrence will not let you down, I saw the man live over the weekend and it was relentless ass kicking from the first track to the last, and while we're on the topic for all your sound mastering needs visit as he rocks too...

Friday, October 21, 2005

chew on this

alright, let it be known that i'm bitter and wont let it slide anymore, lessons in life repeat themselves till you learn them and i'll slap anyone trying to teach me new ones, relatively young hostile and capable on full on self-preservation mode, rather step than get stepped on so watch your toes and tails, mr nice guy with a razor blade smile passes by, you welcome...

Friday, August 12, 2005

Enemy of the State

Yes folks, after nearly 2 years in operation my site was finally blocked / censored by the islamic government in Iran so now the people in Iran cannot access my music anymore and I'm now officially an enemy of the state. This event is not a surprise to me at all, just a while back the wimps at took down my writing because they were deemed unislamic so this was just a matter of time so I'd like to say thank you Mr. Ahmadinejad (the newly appointed puppet president) becuase you've only made me more rabbid to bite harder and tear y'all to even finer shreds, we'll see in your four years how many kids will recite my rhymes line by line and how many will recite your doomed quran, just wait and see...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Greetings from

Reporting live from the head quarterz, properly eyerainified az de hed koo are terz in bear ache lee kaali for nia, ve der ank tea here, cheers

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Greetings from Los Ang

Rain had been pouring down for last 4 days in the land of the angeles but today its sunny, bono, the frontman, you too eh? I'm here to send my warmest regards to a man that made me laugh a great deal, Hunter S. Thompson, when I read Fear and Loathing I was glued to it till the last page and catching the movie one late night had me rolling too, he blazed his own trails and cheers to that, may he rest in peace once his ashes are shot out of a cannon, per his last wishes, gonzo has left the building...